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For Dairy: Teat Dip Concentrate 
For Soil: Organic Microbial Supplements & Mined Trace Minerals, and Water Absorption 
& Retention Assistance

At Next Gen Agro, our range of products ensures our customers throughout California have the tools they need to grow the best crops. In addition, we have a fantastic teat dip that is economical and ensures healthy teats. We take immense pride in selling top quality teat dip, natural chelated minerals, microbial products and soil amendments. Next Gen Agro is California’s resource for professional, dependable farming and dairy products.

Our products

Teat Dip Concentrate

The unique composition of oleic oils, natural fats, glycerol and aggressive soil release agents propel the Teat Dip Concentrate to stand above ineffective competitors. Simply mix TDC with water and Sodium Hypochlorite to activate ingredients that eliminate 99.99% of bacteria, while cleaning, moisturizing and protecting the teat. The science behind the dip is simple. The agents initiate the cleaning power which breaks down and softens all foreign material so you can clean in one wipe. 
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    The Sodium Hypochlorite disinfects and kills harmful bacteria on contact preventing the spread of mastitis and lowering SCC. The oils and fats are absorbed quickly by the teat tissue healing the skin and protecting it until the next application. The glycerol acts as the protective barrier that allows the teat to retain moisture long after application. Combining this ingredient package as a pre and post dip gives a knock-out punch to cracked teats, hyperkeratosis, mastitis, and ultimately improves your bottom line!


    • Eliminate the harmful dyes & chemicals from entering the pipeline and ultimately your food!
    • 1 Gallon of concentrate makes 21 gallons of ready-to-use product.
    • Saves shipping and storage space.
    • Apply with a dip cup, power dipper or spraying device of your choice.
    • Used as both a PRE and POST dip.
    • No more having 2 products confused on which is which.
    • Not a paste-like substance sealing the pores of the teat.
    • Imagine a cleaner, healthier teat that rejuvenates itself.


Agri-Min is a naturally occurring substance that was formed when volcanic ash was subject to eons of hydrothermal reactions forming this natural colloidal clay. It is an excellent soil amendment for all problem soils.

Pursanova Liquid Conversion Technologies

Improve your food, water and soil by bonding the resources of nature and technology, resulting in significant cost savings, while respecting and contributing back to our environment. Become sustainable the Pursanova system will begin paying for itself from the day it's installed.

Waste Away

An industrial grade maintenance product formulated to reduce odor and act as a digesting agent in the decomposition of a wide variety of organic wastes.
  • Designed to control odor by converting anaerobic condition into anaerobic condition resulting in odorless by-products of O2, CO2 and H2O instead of the septic odor discharged as ammonia and hydrogen sulfate.
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    • Concentrated source of hydrolytic (degrading) bacteria and enzymes capable of digesting certain organic polymers, thus helping to liquefy organic accumulations.
    • Positively affects the solubility of manures, starches and proteins by digesting these organic waste materials.
    • Environmentally safe.
    • Accelerates the decomposition process when used in composting operations.
    • Concentrated for freight savings.
    • Affordable cost.
    • Non-corrosive, non-hazardous, non-pathogenic.


    A broad and diverse population of live naturally occurring beneficial water/soil microorganisms including: Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Arthrobacter sp., Rhodococcus sp., Chlorobium sp., Cyanobacteria sp., and Actinomycetes sp

    Available sizes

    275-gallon tote | 2.5-gallon jug | 1-gallon bottle

Ntexx soil inoculant with hummus

An all-natural liquid soil inoculant that contains a broad spectrum of soil bacteria. It is formulated to enhance soil structure, root development, nutrient uptake, and water infiltration.
  • Enhances fertilizer program by increasing plant nutrient uptake.
  • Reduces crusting of topsoil.
  • Increases root mass growth.
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    • Increases seed germination emergence.
    • Improves water infiltration.
    • Improves soil environment for plant growth by building the aerobic zone of the soil.
    • Stimulates soil microorganisms that provide essential nutrients for plants through their productive biological processes.
    • Easily applied using various irrigation systems: (spray, trickle, overhead, drip, surge, and L.E.P.A.)
    • Concentrated for freight savings.
    • Affordable cost.
    • Animals may graze immediately after application.
    • Stable for up to 1 year when stored as directed.
    • Can be soil and foliar applied.


    Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Arthrobacter sp., Rhodococcus sp., Chlorobium sp., Cyanobacteria sp., Actinomycetes sp., water, and liquid humus acid (derived from leonardite)


    Available sizes

    275-gallon tote | 2.5-gallon jug | 1-gallon bottle


Agri-Hydro combines Humates, seaweed extract, and wetting agents designed to work in harmony to break the chemical bonding of tied-up mineral nutrients in the root zone. Agri-Hydro improves the biological activity of the soil to improve tilth and texture. 

It improves soil water movement and holding capabilities reducing problems associated with standing water, soil crusting and localized dry spots.
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    How it works

    The specialized combination of Argi-Hydro breaks the chemical bonding of minerals in the soil.  As these elements become free, the naturally occurring nutrients become available to the plant and the live microorganisms in the soil. As biological activity in the soil increases, the texture changes and the ability to store and exchange nutrients increases. A key plant hormone, Cytokinin, provided by seaweed extract, promotes root development and increases plants' stress tolerance.


    Increased efficiency of fertility

    Improved stress tolerance

    Increased root mass and depth

    Increased soil biological activity

    Improved seed germination

    Uniform root zone moisture management

    Guaranteed minimum analysis

    Total Nitrogen (N) 4.0% (Urea Nitrogen 4.0%), Available Phosphate (P2O5) 0.0%, soluble Potash (K2O) 1.0%, Iron (Fe) 0.5% (Chelated Iron), Manganese (Mn) 0.2% (Chelated Manganese 0.2%) Derived from: Urea, Soluble Seaweed Extract, Iron EDRA, Manganese EDTA

    Non food ingredients by weight

    Sea Plant Extract and Humic Acid 4%, Alkyl Block Polymer 20.0%

    Available sizes

    250 gallon tote | 2.5 gallon jug | 1qt. bottle

Agri-liquid k

The summer stress nutrient solution, AGRI-LIQUID K is an amino acid potassium that has unsurpassed foliar availability. 1-0-15 Agri-Liquid-K is necessary for proper plant functioning especially through the critical months of July, August and September.
Symptoms of K deficiency
As K deficiency initially occurs, the symptoms will be subtle. Your plants will NOT properly, synthesize carbohydrates, synthesize amino acids or proteins, transpire sufficiently,
conduct respiration, or uptake other nutrients.
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    Agri-Liquid-K will provide fast acting immediately available potassium helping your crops tolerate:

    Drought stress

    Heat stress

    Disease incidence

    Possess stronger plant tissue

    Utilize water more efficiently

    Guaranteed Analysis


    Total Nitrogen (N) 1.0% (1.0% Nitrate Nitrogen), Soluble Potash (K2Olfate, Magnesium Nitrate) 15.0%, Magnesium (Mg) 0.5% Derived from: Potassium Nitrate, Potassium ThioSulfate Magnesium Nitrate

    Non-Plant Food Ingredients

    L-Amino Acids 2.5% Derived from Protein Hydrolysates

    Micronutrients Expressed as an Element: Iron (Fe) 0.10% (0.10% Chelated Iron) manganese (Mn) 0.05% (Chelated Manganese 0.05%) Derived from Iron, Manganese.

    Available Sizes

    250 gallon tote | 2.5 gallon jug


Agri-calcium helps remediate soils and poor growing conditions impacted by high salinity and poor irrigation water. Agri-Calcium will improve associated conditions such as poor soil structure, decreased oxygen content, and hydrophobic soils.
Agri-Calcium provides sequestered calcium in a multi-plex formulation. Multiple organic acid chemistries work to:
  • Deliver calcium rapidly to the root zone and quickly remove Na from soil exchange sites.
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    • Selective amino based poly organic acids work to trap sodium so it is not root absorbed. This makes flushing sodium easier and more effective.
    • Carboxylic acids break down bicarbonates freeing calcium and magnesium for plant use. The result is better soil structure, water percolation and oxygen content.
    • L-amino acids specific to plant salt tolerance help plants withstand higher soil salinity and remain healthier between irrigation or heavy rains.
    • Plants will maintain greater viability with better nutrient absorption and reduced wilting.
    • Crops exhibit improved plant water uptake by balancing the plant's osmotic capability.

    Guaranteed analysis

    Calcium (Ca)  20.%

    Derived from Calcium Carbonite

     Available Sizes

    250 gallon tote | 55 gallon barrel 

Our team is available for all your farming and dairy needs. Please call today for a consultation.
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